Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Urvashi Apsara Sadhana

According to Hindu religion, Nymph living in heaven, skilled in many arts, stunning and supernatural divine feminine. Rambha is considered one of the best in the Nymphs. Rambha is an amazing, talented and skilled dancer. She specializes in music and dance. By her magical singing and dancing she does entertain to the gods in heaven. Once Vishwa Mitr meditated by a nymph stand down is key.

The name of many nymphs are: Ambika, Alamvusha, Anavdaya, Anuchano, Aruna, Asita, Bubble, Chandrajyotsna, Devi,Ghartchi, Guanmukya, Guanuvra-herrsha, Indarlkshami, Kamya, Karnika, Keshini, Kshaeama Lata, Lakshmna, Manorama, Maarichi, Maneka, Misrasthlah, Mrigakshaie, Nbhi-dershn, Puarv-chitty, Puspdeha, Rakshaita, Rambha, Rituashlah, Sahjanya, Samiechi, Sorbhedi, Saradvti, Shuchika, Somi, Shuahu, Shugandha, Supriya, Surza, Surasa, Surata, Tialou-ttama, Umlocha, Urvashi, Wpu, Waraga, Vidyutparna, Vihaachi.

Many procedure for the happiness of the nymph have reported. One of which is described here -
Sadhana is really a disciplined spiritual practice. Equipment required for Apsara Sadhana is Jaap mala, perfumes, garland of flowers Mogre, two roses and sweet made of milk.Equipment means the special Apsara Yantra made with Copper etc. Apsara equipment may be available to a skilled sorcerer (Tantrik).

Apsara sadhana can be started from Friday night. The seeker first bath and wear yellow clothing. Put some perfume on Apsara Yantra (Nymph equipment known as Yantra) offer flowers to worship. Light up Ghee lamps. Then take rosary made of 108 beads. Chant 101 rosaries daily. This discipline should be 80 days. The Apsara Mantra is as below:

ॐ रं क्षं रंभे आगच्छ आगच्छ क्षं रं ॐ नम:

Nymph come with their full beauty. Offer Garland of flowers and sweets of milk to Nymph at the time. In return when she gives one of her wearing object. Seeker must then pray that when he wants “it to be appeared through nymph delight”.